I am so obsessed with these books! The movie wasn't that great, but as long as I've got the books the world is still round.
I found this great Twilight Template online--hope you all enjoy it :D
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Twilight is Here!
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 4:49 PM 0 Shammints
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Pirates Are Coming...
Look! I got my blog to look cool for once! I'm just counting down the days and can't wait for midnight on Friday morning! Yay Pirates 3! There's a trailer of the movie at the top of my blog, if you want to see it, just click on the small play button in the bottom left hand corner!
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 5:59 PM 4 Shammints
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
My Language, Hindi!
क्रिस्ता! ई ऍम व्रितिंग इन हंडिया! थिस इस सो कूल!
लोव, शमिता
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 10:56 PM 5 Shammints
Friday, February 09, 2007
My Life is a Jane Austen Novel
Just the other day in English we were talking about the good old days of childhood--when board games were life's ultimate adventures and the pot of gold was only a few rainbows away. It really got me thinking about how I've changed so much since I was a kid! I guess for me it brought me back to the biggest climax of my life --2nd and 3rd grade! Isn't it wierd how you remember yourself being someone completely different as a kid, in kindergarten maybe, and how you're someone completely different now? I was the naughtiest kid who ever set foot on this planet--most people wouldn't even believe it--but I would bite other kids at school and pull their hair and be really, really bossy! I got in trouble a lot by my teachers! For me, the climax of my life came at the age of about 8, a turning point that pretty much spun my life 180 degrees around, and turned me--well almost--into the person that I am today. This climax was...(drumroll)...peer pressure. Being completely honest, I'd never really understood that people had, well, expectations of me --this comment being mostly directed towards my peers. It was hard for me to figure out why the "cool" people wouldn't want to hang out with me, why they'd always ignore me whenever I came around--was it because I didn't dress like them, talk like them or-- I even thought--looked like them? Just the same old elementary school drama I guess! This exclusion really turned me around.
By the end of third grade--I was THROUGH! I didn't need those people anymore. They didn't need to laugh at me becuase I was different, but I needed to laugh I them becuase they were all the same. I joined a new group of friends in 4th grade and life has just snowballed from there. Today, I have an awesome group of people that I hang around with--I don't need to be cool around them. I don't need to cuss--or look good--or put on a facade becuase I'm not looking for a way in anymore. I've been in the whole time. My experiences have taught me to always look above and beyond the situation--to find all the positives. I don't know where all that old Shamita went (or even where it came from...anyway), but even though I sometimes miss my childhood self, it's given me the biggest gift I could ever want--the guts to say "Yeah that's right! I have an independent mind, and a free-spirited body! Just try and take that away from me!"
So what I've always wondered is, what is the biggest turning point in others' childhood? What is it that changed you from the kid you were to the person you are today? Or you can just share any story that evoked a realization of emotional maturity, etc... Or you can just write for fun--I always like that!
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 9:22 PM 9 Shammints
Friday, December 08, 2006
Finding Mind-O
These past few weeks after Hawaii have just been a blur. With all the make-up work, tests, presentations, after school stuff, dance performances, not to mention more choir concerts, it's a miracle I'm still alive! I can't believe finals are already here! It seems like just yesterday that the first day of school began and I was ready for another year of...stress. Ha! On a more positive note, I had the time of my life in Hawaii! With all the shopping, performing, beach-ing (is that even a word?), and sunshine, I REALLY want to go back right now.
It was amazing that the meaning of most of the songs we sang truly hit me while we actually performed them on the USS Missouri. The feeling we had that day was amazingly unforgettable and I've got some great memories from there that I will cherish forever.
I really want to share my experience with all of you so here are a couple of the many pictures I took in Hawaii! One of them is of my hand holding a snail that I found, the other is a picture of us actually performing at Pearl Harbor, and the other two are just scenery!
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 9:00 PM 3 Shammints
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wow. I'm tired. Not exactly stressed, but loaded with stuff to do! Sometimes it's a great feeling, but I'm just glad it's Friday! I made it through the Chem Test, which I think I did okay on. I survived our Spanish Quiz, which was pretty easy! Now I just have the weekend to look foward to. And more homework.
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 5:14 PM 1 Shammints
Thursday, September 07, 2006
My Summer Reading Journey...
Well, first off, I must say that I am such a procrastinator!! I put off most of my summer homework until two weeks before school started, but luckily, I managed to finish it all!
The books I read this summer were Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte and The Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy. I enjoyed both of these books a thoroughly, although I'll have to admit that at times they were kind of confusing! I always look for a hearty and interesting story in the books I read--a catchy beginning, with an exciting plotline, adventurous characters, and an unexpected ending --Wuthering Heights definitely had an exciting plotline, although most of the story was a flashback. My favorite part in the book would have to be the part where the younger Catherine writes secret letters to Linton, since she is forbidden to meet him in person. I was very upset at Heathcliff's character about half way through the book--I couldn't believe he had become so evil! It just made me really upset that he was unnecessarily venting his anger and desire for revenge upon his own son and Catherine! I would have to say that I liked The Return of the Native a lot better than Wuthering Heights. Initially, the author led me into a lengthy and prosaic description of the setting, Egdon Heath. Only later, was I able to understand the significance of these descriptions--the moods and qualities of the characters actually were a reflection of the setting in the story and that was really interesting for me! It was so adventurous and I often found myself literally angering at the characters for doing stupid things (like Christian gambling off the ginueas to Wildeve) and laughing at their quirks and actions (Eustacia dressing up like a boy to see Clym). I loved this book overall and it was a great and different reading experience!
Brilliantly made up by shamitap at 8:00 AM 1 Shammints