Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Countdown Begins Now...

The seniors are leaving, the school year is ending, finals are here...but SO IS SUMMER! Wow! This year has gone by so fast and has been by far one of the most enjoyable years of my school life. I can't believe I'm going to be a Junior in only 1 week! Yea! The countdown begins now...
So what are you all doing over summer vacation? So these are some pictures I took last year in Wisconsin and
Minnesota--I'm thinking I might do something fun like that over the summer...

1 Shammints:

Ashley M said...

So, this week has been crazy. I almost cried on Monday when I was at that awards ceremony...Seeing our Speech senoirs up on stage, being recognized for their scholarships was so wonderful, but also so hard. They are leaving. It feels like just yesterday that I first met them at our Speech meeting. This year has been...undescribable. I can't find words to even express it.